Anglais Developing sustainable higher education leadership models in Tanzania

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À propos

Higher Education Institutions in Tanzania are increasingly facing a decline in government subvention and reduced funding from other sources, including Faith-Based Organizations. This has led to a noticeable shift in emphasis within universities from academic excellence to income generation, with adverse effects on teaching, research and community outreach performance. This study critically engages with these issues by firstly highlighting the key challenges confronting Higher Education Institutions in Tanzania; secondly discuss university leadership models that could potentially guide universities to deal with the predicament of decreasing financing; and thirdly document relevant best practices. It is based on a longitudinal study of nine private and public universities in Tanzania.

Rayons : Scolaire > Scolaire

  • Auteur(s)

    J.F. Kessy, J.S. Kikula, A.L. Kaswamila, B. Kazimili

  • Éditeur

    Coédition NENA/CODESRIA

  • Distributeur


  • Date de parution


  • EAN


  • Disponibilité


  • Poids

    522 Ko

  • Entrepôt


  • Support principal

    ebook (ePub)

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