Jérome k. Jérome
« Cette absence de moutarde jeta un froid sur le bateau. L'existence nous paraissait vide et terne » : quand trois gentlemen anglais, totalement dénués de bon sens, décident d'entreprendre une croisière sur la Tamise, un simple voyage devient une épopée. Pour Jerome, George, Harris, et Montmorency, le fox-terrier irritable et grognon, monter une tente est un casse-tête, trouver l'ouvre-boîtes, un effort titanesque, et survivre sans « cup of tea » totalement insensé. De cette joyeuse bande, loufoque et désopilante, la Tamise se souviendra longtemps.
Né en 1859, Jerome K. Jerome a été successivement employé des chemins de fer, journaliste, acteur et instituteur avant de se consacrer à l'écriture. Il a connu un immense succès public avec Trois hommes dans un bateau (sans oublier le chien).
« Un classique de l'humour victorien. »
Le Nouvel Observateur
Traduit de l'anglais par Déodat Serval
Préface de Jean-Loup Chiflet -
Trois hommes dans un bateau (sans parler du chien)
Jerome K. Jerome
- Flammarion
- GF
- 21 Octobre 2015
- 9782081374232
Trois petits employés de bureau, amateurs de bistros, tire-au-flanc et hypocondriaques, entreprennent, pour prendre l'air, de remonter en canot la Tamise. Munis notamment d'un banjo et d'une poêle à frire, et accompagnés d'un fox-terrier nommé Montmorency, les voilà engagés dans le plus saugrenu des périples... Au récit hilarant de cette folle équipée s'entremêlent de savoureuses digressions sur les mérites comparés d'un voyage avec ou sans fromage dans ses valises, la vaste fumisterie des bulletins météorologiques, l'inconvénient de dormir sous le même toit qu'un couple d'amoureux, ou encore l'effet démoralisant de l'air fluvial...Trois Hommes dans un bateau, qui connut dès sa parution en 1889 un succès phénoménal, est un classique de l'humour anglais.
La paresse a toujours été mon point fort. Je n'ai aucun mérite : c'est un don.
Jerome K. Jerome
« Penser, soit, mais en passant, sans se presser. L'oisif accueille la pensée comme certaines branches l'oiseau : il veut bien être perchoir mais non point nid. De même qu'il existe une authentique philosophie de comptoir, il existe une pensée de fauteuil. L'oisif aime à discourir des sujets les plus triviaux - il trouvera toujours le moyen, au détour d'une apparente banalité, de faire entendre les saignements de son coeur. »
Claro -
`Three Men in a Boat' (1889) is the bestselling comic masterpiece by English writer, humourist, and playwright Jerome K. Jerome.
It follows the author and his two companions as they try to escape busy Victorian London on a two-week boating holiday along the River Thames, from Kingston to Oxford and back.
Initially intended as a serious travel guide, the comical mishaps and misfortunes that happen along the way, turned the book into a satirical gem that perfectly captured the escapism of Victorian England.
From pineapple chunks to tow-ropes, tents, and the pointlessness of weather forecasts, Jerome K Jerome's witticisms and social commentary remain as funny and relevant today.
The novel has been adapted for TV and film on many occasions, including a recreation of the trip by the BBC, starring comedians Griff Rhys Jones, Dara Ó Briain, and Rory McGrath.
Jerome K. Jerome (1859 -1927) was an English novelist, humourist and playwright, best known for his hugely successful comic masterpiece `Three Men in a Boat' (1889), which was inspired by his honeymoon on the river Thames.
It has since been adapted on numerous occasions, including the BBC TV series starring Tim Curry and Michael Palin.
Jerome wrote eight novels, fifteen collections of short stories and sketches, two autobiographical works, and more than thirty plays.
His works include the essay collections `Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow' (1886) and `Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow'. The novel `Three Men on the Bummel', a sequel to ´Three Men in a Boat´, and the play `The Passing of the Third Floor Back' (1908). -
B. J. Harrison Reads Three Men in a Boat
Jerome K Jerome
- Saga Egmont
- The Classic Tales with B. J. Harrison
- 25 Mars 2021
- 9788726574548
Jerome, George and Harris are three hypochondriacal friends who like to spend time comparing their illnesses, although none of them is ill. One day they decide to go on a vacation by sailing down the Thames river towards Oxford. The three friends prepare a long list of things they will need and even take the dog Montmorency with them. During the journey they visit many different places and fall into various and interesting situations.
For what reason do the friends compare their illnesses? Is there any competition between them? How did they decide to go on this adventure down the Thames river? Will they bring all the things needed for their survival? How will their adventure end?
Find all the answers in Jerome K. Jerome's humorous novel "Three Men in a Boat" from 1889.
B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 - 1927) was an English writer and humorist. Inspired by his sister's love for the theatre, he decided to try his luck in acting, but gave up after three years of no visible success. Jerome is best known for his comic novel "Three Men in a Boat" from 1889, a work that brought him large popularity. Some other popular works are the two collections of essays "Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow" and "Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow", and the novel "Three Men on the Bummel". -
Three Men in a Boat (illustrated) + Three Men on the Bummel + Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow: The best of Jerome K. Jerome
Jerome K. Jerome
- e-artnow
- 15 Novembre 2013
- 9788074849794
This carefully crafted ebook: "Three Men in a Boat (illustrated) + Three Men on the Bummel + Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow: The best of Jerome K. Jerome" contains 3 books in one volume and is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents.
Three Men in a Boat, published in 1889, is a humorous account by Jerome K. Jerome. It is a story of three men, accompanied by a dog, as they travel in a boat up the River Thames. The book was initially intended to be a serious travel guide, with accounts of local history along the route, but the humorous elements took over to the point where the serious and somewhat sentimental passages seem a distraction. The three men are based on Jerome himself (the narrator J.) and two real-life friends, George and Carl with whom he often took boating trips. The dog, Montmorency, is entirely fictional.
Because of the overwhelming success of Three Men in a Boat, Jerome later published a sequel, about a cycling tour in Germany, titled Three Men on the Bummel. Three Men on the Bummel (also known as Three Men on Wheels) was published in 1900, eleven years after his most famous work, Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog). The sequel brings back the three companions who figured in Three Men in a Boat, this time on a bicycle tour through the German Black Forest.
Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow, published in 1886, is a collection of humorous essays by Jerome K. Jerome. It was the author's second published book and it helped to establish him as a leading English humorist. While widely considered one of Jerome's better works, and in spite of using the same style as Three Men in a Boat, it was never as popular as the latter.
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859 - 1927) was an English writer and humorist, best known for the comic travelogue Three Men in a Boat. Other works include the essay collections Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow (1886) and Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow; Three Men on the Bummel, a sequel to Three Men in a Boat; and several other novels. -
3 hommes dans un bateau, sans oublier le chien.
Jerome K. Jerome
- FV Éditions
- 21 Avril 2014
- 9782366688276
Dans ce best-seller de l'humour anglais, vous retrouverez les histoires rocambolesques de George, harris, Jérome et du chien Montmorency partis en bateau sur la Tamise afin d'oublier le quotidien monotone de la vie londonienne.
Tre uomini in una barca (per tacer del cane)
Jerome K. Jerome
- Saga Egmont
- Classici dal mondo
- 27 Janvier 2021
- 9788726831979
Tre gentiluomini ipocondriaci sentono il bisogno di una vera e propria vacanza e, non trovandosi ispirati né dal mare né dalla campagna, decidono per una gita in barca sul Tamigi con il loro folle fox terrier Montmorency. Ma, ahimè, la loro spedizione esplorativa non va esattamente come previsto... Una disavventura navale selvaggia e strampalata ambientata nell'Inghilterra vittoriana, il bestseller di Jerome K. Jerome "Tre uomini in barca" è ad oggi ancora fresco e spassoso come lo era nel 1889.
Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927) è stato uno scrittore, drammaturgo e umorista inglese. È noto soprattutto per il suo capolavoro comico "Tre uomini in barca" (1889). -
Fanny est une danseuse et chanteuse ainsi qu'une actrice à la carrière compromise, qui a rencontré un richissime Lord anglais. Il est doux et affectueux, et pour le séduire elle enjolive son milieu d'origine. L'amour triomphe sous les coups du mensonge et le mariage concrétise ses rêves et la sauve de l'échec.
Mais à son arrivée au château de son époux, Fanny se retrouve dans une situation délicate : les vingt-trois domestiques du Lord sont tous de la famille de Fanny. Pire ! La voilà de retour auprès de son oncle, le maître d'hôtel, qu'elle a fui des années auparavant.
Jerome K. Jerome, réputé pour ses romans comiques, offre ici une satire des plus sérieuses. Elle dévoile et condamne une société de « caste » que même l'amour ne peut briser.
Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927) est un écrivain humoriste britannique connu pour son oeuvre « Trois hommes dans un bateau » 1889. Dès son plus jeune âge, Jerome déteste l'école, et il en fera la critique dans ses romans. Il la quitte à quatorze ans pour subvenir à ses propres besoins car ses parents meurent dès ses treize ans. Renonçant à ses ambitions littéraires, il ramasse le charbon le long des voies de chemin de fer. Mais Jerome s'acharne, et tandis qu'il se ménage du temps pour écrire, il devient journaliste, acteur puis instituteur. Ses rêves se concrétisent en 1886 avec « Les Pensées paresseuses d'un paresseux », son premier succès, puis en 1889 avec « Trois hommes dans un bateau » qui propulse sa carrière littéraire. -
Set in a drawing-room in London's Russell Square in 1911, `The Master of Mrs. Chilvers: An Improbable Comedy' is a fictional stage play full of wit and warmth, which addresses the issue of women's rights in Edwardian England. As the play progresses, and Mrs. Chilvers joins the timely cause of women's suffrage, her seemingly sudden commitment to suffragette radicalism shocks her husband and has a large effect on the rest of her upper class family. The four act play by author and playwright Jerome K Jerome, whose other works include 'Three Men in a Boat' and `The Observations of Henry', begins with a detailed introduction to the play with insightfully personal character descriptions. With whiffs of classic Oscar Wilde and a clear preamble for the 2015 film `Suffragette', starring Carey Mulligan and Meryl Streep, Jerome takes on the genre of family drama and class meets equality, feminism and women's liberation in a touching, humorous and forward-thinking way. It was first performed at The Royalty Theatre, London, on April 26th, 1911, starring actors Mary Rorke as Lady Mogton and Lena Ashwell as Annys Chilvers.
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859-1927) was born in Walsall, in northern Great Britain, on 2nd May 1859. Orphaned as a teenager, he was forced to leave education at just 14 years old to start working. After jobs as an actor, clerk and a teacher, Jerome published his first book in 1885 based upon is own experiences - `On the Stage and Off: The Brief Career of a Would-Be Actor'. Stage plays, books and journalism articles followed suit, including his most successful book - an autobiographical story entitled 'Three Men in a Boat'. Other works include `Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow', `Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow', 'The Observations of Henry' and `Three Men on the Bummel'. Jerome founded the weekly magazine `To-Day' in 1893 and edited another magazine named `The Idler' until 1898, whilst also working as a lecturer and writer in England. During World War 1, he wasn't accepted for active service in the UK's army so instead enlisted as an ambulance driver in the French army. He died on 14th June 1927 after suffering a stroke. -
The Observations of Henry by Jerome K. Jerome
Jerome K. Jerome
- Saga Egmont
- 23 Février 2023
- 9788728263365
`This is the story, among others, of Henry the waiter-or, as he now prefers to call himself, Henri-told to me in the long dining-room of the Riffel Alp Hotel, where I once stayed for a melancholy week "between seasons".' The collection of short stories in The Observations of Henry are a witty and wondrous insight into the life and times of 19th century England, as told by an enigmatic waiter, Henry (Henri). An observer of life, and offering counsel to his various customers' romantic entanglements, dramas and career carry-ons, the charming tales from a unique hotelier's perspective is an uplifting, funny and occasionally shocking set of tit-bits from some of the more memorable characters which Henry has met in his work. Aided by comic assailants, Kipper and Carrot, Jerome K. Jerome sets the perfect scene for scandal, humour and charismatic capers. Originally published in 1901, the warm and witty mini sagas will appeal to any reader who is a fan of Roald Dahl, Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain. Sometimes dark, often light and occasionally highly unexpected, The Observations of Henry is charming, insightful and extremely funny - people watching at its very best.
Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859-1927) was born in Walsall, in northern Great Britain, on 2nd May 1859. Orphaned as a teenager, he was forced to leave education at just 14 years old to start working. After various jobs as an actor, clerk and a school teacher, Jerome published his first book in 1885 based upon is own experiences - `On the Stage and Off: The Brief Career of a Would-Be Actor'. Stage plays, books and journalism articles followed suit, including his most successful book - a warm and witty autobiographical story entitled 'Three Men in a Boat'. Other works include `Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow', `Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow', and `Three Men on the Bummel'. Jerome founded the weekly magazine `To-Day' in 1893 and edited another magazine named `The Idler' until 1898, whilst also working as a lecturer and writer in England. During World War I, he wasn't accepted for active service in the UK's army so instead enlisted as an ambulance driver in the French army. He died on 14th June 1927 after suffering a stroke. -
"There are two kinds of clocks. There is the clock that is always wrong, and that knows it is wrong, and glories in it; and there is the clock that is always right-except when you rely upon it, and then it is more wrong than you would think a clock could be in a civilized country." - Jerome K. Jerome, `Clocks'.
In Jerome K. Jerome's short, humorous essay, `Clocks', the writer uses observational comedy - that will be enjoyed by fans of stand-up comedians or shows like `Friday Night Dinner' - to explore the role of clocks in his life as a writer.
The essay `Clocks' will delight anyone looking for a short, fun, and thought-provoking read.
Jerome K. Jerome (1859 -1927) was an English novelist, humourist, and playwright, best known for his hugely successful comic masterpiece `Three Men in a Boat' (1889), which was inspired by his honeymoon on the river Thames.
It has since been adapted on numerous occasions, including the BBC TV series starring Tim Curry and Michael Palin.
His works include the essay collections `Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow' (1886) and `Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow'. The novel `Three Men on the Bummel', a sequel to ´Three Men in a Boat´, and the play `The Passing of the Third Floor Back' (1908). -
The classic collection of Jerome K. Jerome. Novels and Stories. Illustrated
Jerome K. Jerome
- Andrii Ponomarenko
- 15 Mai 2023
- 9786178289706
Jerome Klapka Jerome was an English writer and humourist, best known for the comic travelogue Three Men in a Boat (1889). Other works include the essay collections Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow (1886) and Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow; Three Men on the Bummel, a sequel to Three Men in a Boat; and several other novels. Jerome was born in Walsall, England, and, although he was able to attend grammar school, his family suffered from poverty at times, as did he as a young man trying to earn a living in various occupations. In his twenties, he was able to publish some work, and success followed. He married in 1888, and the honeymoon was spent on a boat on the Thames; he published Three Men in a Boat soon afterwards. He continued to write fiction, non-fiction and plays over the next few decades, though never with the same level of success.
Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)
Diary of a Pilgrimage
Novel Notes
Three Men on the Bummel
Paul Kelver
Tea-table Talk
Tommy and Co
They and I
All Roads Lead to Calvary
Anthony John
Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
Told After Supper
John Ingerfield
Sketches in Lavender, Blue, and Green
Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow
The Observations of Henry
The Angel and the Author and Others -
Three Men in a Boat: A Quick Read edition
Quick Read, Jerome K. Jerome
- Quick Read
- 16 Février 2024
- 9782385820190
Discover a new way to read classics with Quick Read.
This Quick Read edition includes both the full text and a summary for each chapter.
- Reading time of the complete text: about 6 hours
- Reading time of the summarized text: 13 minutes
"Three Men in a Boat" is a humorous novel written by Jerome K. Jerome in 1889. It follows the adventures of three friends, Jerome, George, and Harris, and their dog Montmorency, as they embark on a boating holiday on the River Thames. Initially intended as a serious travel guide, the book became known for its fresh and witty jokes. The story takes readers on a journey along the river, with the narrator describing landmarks and sharing humorous anecdotes about fishing, boating, and camping mishaps. Despite receiving mixed reviews from critics, the book sold in large numbers and has never been out of print. It continues to be popular, ranking among the greatest novels of all time. The novel has been adapted into films, television shows, and stage productions, and fans have even recreated the river trip described in the book. Overall, "Three Men in a Boat" is a timeless and beloved comedic novel that has entertained readers for over a century. -
Diary of a Pilgrimage: A Quick Read edition
Quick Read, Jerome K. Jerome
- Quick Read
- 16 Février 2024
- 9782385821111
Discover a new way to read classics with Quick Read.
This Quick Read edition includes both the full text and a summary for each chapter.
- Reading time of the complete text: about 4 hours
- Reading time of the summarized text: 11 minutes
"Diary of a Pilgrimage" is a comedic novel written by Jerome K. Jerome and published in 1891. The story follows Jerome and his friend "B" as they embark on a trip to see the Oberammergau Passion Play in Germany. They travel by train from London to Dover, have a rough crossing of the English Channel, and then continue by train to Cologne. After visiting Cologne Cathedral, they take a train to Munich, where Jerome practices his German. From Munich, they travel to Oberau and then to Oberammergau to watch the play. They return via Heidelberg. Alongside the journey, the book includes humorous anecdotes such as conflicting advice on packing, the effects of seasickness, and the challenges of ordering breakfast. "Diary of a Pilgrimage" is one of Jerome K. Jerome's works, which also include "Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow" and "Three Men in a Boat. -
A comic look at the curious habits and customs of the inhabitants of 'Stage Land'. Dedicated to 'that highly respectable but unnecessarily retiring individual, of whom we hear so much but see so little, "the earnest student of drama".
Three Men In A Boat To Say Nothing Of The Dog (Unabridged)
Jerome K. Jerome
- Slingshot Books LLC
- 9 Août 2022
- 9798822556010
A humorous account by English writer Jerome K. Jerome of a boating holiday on the Thames between Kingston and Oxford. The three men are based on Jerome himself and two real-life friends, George Wingrave and Carl Hentschel , with whom he often took boating trips. The dog, Montmorency, is entirely fictional but, "as Jerome admits, developed out of that area of inner consciousness which, in all Englishmen, contains an element of the dog." The trip is a typical boating holiday of the time in a Thames camping skiff. This was just after commercial boat traffic on the Upper Thames had died out, replaced by the 1880s craze for boating as a leisure activity. - Summary by Wikipedia
Our Friends from Three Men in a Boat, to Say Nothing of the Dog, are back. In this funny sequel to Three Men in a Boat J., George, and Harris are out of the boat and on the land riding their bikes. Their lives are too stressful and they need a break from the daily mundane, so they put their heads together and come up with a brilliant idea they decide to travel through the Black Forest of Germany on a bicycling tour. Since two of our friends are now married it seems they will also have to convince their wives that this is a good idea without getting each other into trouble! Meant to be a traveling book, but of course is anything but, let's go along on their journey and see for ourselves what kind of antics and fun our three old friends get caught up in. This book was published eleven years after the original "Three Men in a Boat".
Idle Ideas in 1905 (Unabridged)
Jerome K. Jerome
- Slingshot Books LLC
- 27 Septembre 2022
- 9798350027648
Back in 1905 Jerome K. Jerome shared his thoughts on a variety of subjects, including "Should Women Be Beautiful?", "Should Soldiers Be Polite?" and "Is The American Husband Made Entirely Of Stained Glass?". Each subject is analysed and commented on in the witty and satirical style we've grown to expect from the author.
Fanny and the Servant Problem (UNABRIDGED)
Jerome K. Jerome
- Slingshot Books LLC
- 23 Septembre 2022
- 9798350018660
"It is so sad when relations don't get on together." "Sadder still when they think they've got a right to trample on you, just because you happen to be an orphan and - I don't want to talk about my relations. I want to forget them. I stood them for nearly six months. I don't want to be reminded of them. I want to forget that they ever existed." She is not going to have her wish. Oh, no, not at all. A comedy.
Trois hommes en balade
Jerome K. Jerome
Texte intégral. Cet ouvrage a fait l'objet d'un véritable travail en vue d'une édition numérique. Un travail typographique le rend facile et agréable à lire.
Les trois compères de « Trois hommes dans un bateau » partent faire une balade en Allemagne, à pied, en vélo ou en attelage. Au cours de cette longue promenade, il leur arrive de multiples aventures. Celles-ci et les souvenirs plus anciens qu'elles suscitent, forment l'essentiel du livre.
Retrouvez l'ensemble de nos collections sur
Espace Sculpture. No. 106, Hiver 2013-2014
Eric Valentin, Nycole Paquin, Andre-Louis Pare, Jessica Li, Aseman Sabet, Serge Fisette, John K. Grande, Jerome Delga
- Le Centre de diffusion 3D
- Espace Sculpture
- 6 Février 2014
- 9782923434100
Intitulé « Espace architecturé », le dossier de cette édition regroupe des textes signés André-Louis Paré, Nycole Paquin, Éric Valentin et Jessica Li. Il y est question, notamment, de Collective Folie, la tour gigantesque de Tadashi Kawamata au parc de la Villette à Paris, de l'univers à couper le souffle de Dale Chihuly au MBAM, de l'installation de Yam Lau à la Fonderie Darling, et du travail de Claes Oldenburg et Coosje van Bruggen abordé sous l'angle de la sculpture comme subversion de l'architecture. Hors dossier, un retour sur la temporalité des oeuvres publiques, un entretien avec Laurent Gagnon et un compte-rendu de l'exposition Michel de Broin au MAC, entre autres.
Christopher B. Williams, Jerome D. Waye, Douglas K. Rex
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 6 Juillet 2009
- 9781444359312
First Edition - Winner of 2004 BMA Medical Book Competition in Gastroenterology The second edition of this prize winning book is written by some of the world's foremost experts in the field of colonoscopy and colonic imaging. Every chapter has been updated and 5 new chapters have been added to include the latest information and advances in the field of colonoscopy: Capsule Colonoscopy Narrow Band Imaging Confocal Endomicroscopy Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection in the Colon New Colonoscopes and Assist Devices Drawing on the vast experience of the authors it covers every area of medicine that impacts on colonoscopy, including virtual colonography, pathology, techniques for pediatric and adult procedures, and legal aspects concerning colonoscopy. The book is focused on patient care, and provides explanations on how to perform the procedure effectively and make the best outcome for your patients. It serves as a detailed manual of procedures, extensively illustrated with diagrams and photographs. The book includes a companion website with supplementary material: a lecture on the history of colonoscopy, interviews with famous gastroenterologists, demonstrations of techniques, and typical and unusual cases. This is an invaluable compendium on all aspects of colonoscopy, suitable for use by every grade of practitioner world-wide and an essential reference book for all establishments with an endoscopy facility. Please note: This product no longer comes with a DVD. The DVD content is now available online at
Forest Growth and Yield Modeling
Aaron R. Weiskittel, David W. Hann, John A. Kershaw, Jerome K. Vanclay
- Wiley
- 15 Juillet 2011
- 9781119971504
Forest Growth and Yield Modeling synthesizes current scientific literature and provides insights in how models are constructed. Giving suggestions for future developments, and outlining keys for successful implementation of models the book provides a thorough and up-to-date, single source reference for students, researchers and practitioners requiring a current digest of research and methods in the field. The book describes current modelling approaches for predicting forest growth and yield and explores the components that comprise the various modelling approaches. It provides the reader with the tools for evaluating and calibrating growth and yield models and outlines the steps necessary for developing a forest growth and yield model. Single source reference providing an evaluation and synthesis of current scientific literature Detailed descriptions of example models Covers statistical techniques used in forest model construction Accessible, reader-friendly style