Des vacances à Hawaï ? Pour Stéphanie Plum, ça tourne vite au cauchemar...
Stéphanie Plum a choisi de mener une vie d'aventures, semée d'embûches et de dangers en tous genres. Mais une fois n'est pas coutume, elle sait aussi rendre du bon temps en bonne compagnie. Cette année, direction Hawaï pour quelques jours de farniente.
Mais rien ne se passe comme prévu ! Elle quitte l'île paradisiaque en urgence. Et lors d'une escale à Los Angeles, son voisin de siège est assassiné. Il transportait une photo que seule Stéphanie avait vue, ce qui fait d'elle la nouvelle cible. Là voilà avec le FBI à ses trousses... Attention les secousses ! -
Cette fois-ci, Stéphanie le sent, c'est mission impossible... Elle doit ramener devant les tribunaux Oncle Mo, le marchand de glaces et de bonbons, un saint homme adulé par au moins trois générations. De quoi se mettre toute la ville à dos ! Heureusement, Stéphanie a plus d'un ami dans son sac : Morelli, le flic de son coeur, Lula, l'ancienne prostituée black apprentie chasseuse de primes, et l'énigmatique Ranger, son mentor aux abdos façon tablette de chocolat...
Un trèfle à quatre plum ; qui a peur du grand méchant lou ?
Janet Evanovich
- 12-21
- Hors collection
- 17 Avril 2014
- 9782823812589
Stéphanie Plum a le chic pour attirer les ennuis, la malchance et les hommes mystérieux. Et aucun homme ne peut se targuer d'être plus mystérieux que Diesel. Le bel éphèbe est de retour, et cherche un type se prenant pour un lutin et qui a perdu un gros butin. Seulement voilà, l'argent n'est pas réellement " perdu ". Mamie Mazur en sait quelque chose...
Mieux qu'un lutin, c'est ensuite à la rencontre d'un diable que Diesel entraîne Stéphanie. Un démon bien connu pour hanter la forêt du New Jersey, dont il n'est d'ailleurs pas le locataire le plus diabolique. Martin Munch et Jean-Lou Griffin - alias Lou -, deux horribles criminels, y traînent aussi leurs guêtres. Ainsi que tout un tas de singes... qui portent des chapeaux. Vous avez dit effrayant ? -
« Evanovich est à son meilleur niveau ici, avec le soutien de Lee Goldberg ! Le premier titre de cette série est une démonstration de leurs talents. » Booklist
Après des années de traque et une arrestation éclatante, Kate O'Hare, agent spécial du FBI, pensait en avoir fini avec Nicolas Fox, le voleur le plus recherché au monde. Mais c'était sans compter sur l'ingéniosité de l'escroc qui parvient, une fois de plus, à s'en sortir en offrant tout simplement ses services au FBI !
Faire équipe avec ce prince du bluff, ce malfaiteur arrogant qui ne cesse de la narguer ? Pas de problème, s'ils ne s'entretuent pas avant ! Kate n'a aucune confiance en cet homme plus qu'énervant, mais terriblement charmant...
Des hôtels de luxe de Palm Springs aux îles paradisiaques d'Indonésie infestées de pirates, leur première mission va les entraîner dans des aventures aussi rocambolesques que dangereuses.
« L'humour à pleurer de rire que l'on attend d'Evanovich est meilleur que jamais, et l'écriture astucieuse et élaborée de Goldberg est remarquable. Tout le monde attendra avec impatience le prochain tome de la série. » - Associated Press -
Les hormones de l'enquêtrice sont en ébullition !
Ça sent le roussi pour Stéphanie... Le mois de septembre a commencé et il fait chaud, très chaud pour la saison. Depuis l'incendie du bureau de liaison où elle travaille, Stéphanie s'est installé dans un mobil-home. Ce matin, le chantier de reconstruction de l'agence est brusquement interrompu. La pelleteuse a déterré des cadavres. Stéphanie, qui est pourtant habituée à voir des horreurs dans son boulot, en a des haut-le-coeur. Personne ne sait pourquoi, ou qui est responsable, mais il est clair que son nom est sur la liste du tueur. Et pour couronner le tout, les hormones de l'enquêtrice sont en ébullition ! Son coeur balance entre son ex, avec qui elle a remis le couvert et le beau Ranger... Quant en plus la star montante du football revient en ville, rien ne se passe comme prévu, bien entendu. -
Headless bodies have started appearing across town in Trenton, New Jersey...
Mutilated corpses litter the streets of New Jersey in Hardcore Twenty-Four, the thrilling twenty-fourth adventure in the laugh-out-loud Stephanie Plum series by No. 1 bestselling author Janet Evanovich. The perfect read for fans of Harlan Coben and Sue Grafton.
Raves for Janet Evanovich's bestselling novels: 'Razor sharp' (Sunday Express); 'Non-stop laughs with plenty of high jinks' (USA Today); 'Pithy, witty and fast-paced' (The Sunday Times).
At first, it's just corpses from a funeral home and the morgue that have had the heads removed. Then a homeless man is murdered and dumped behind a church. Stephanie Plum knows that she's the only one with a prayer of catching this killer.
If that's not enough, Diesel's back in town. The six-foot-tall, blond-haired hunk accepts no limits - that includes locked doors, closed windows and underwear. Trenton's hottest cop, Joe Morelli, isn't pleased at his arrival, nor is Ranger, the high-powered security consultant with his own plans for Stephanie.
Jersey's favourite bounty hunter is stuck in the middle with more questions than answers. Who is behind the startling epidemic of mutilated corpses? And is the enigmatic Diesel's sudden appearance a coincidence or the cause of recent deadly events?
What readers are saying about the Stephanie Plum series:
'Janet Evanovich is a master creator of personalities, and the characters of Stephanie Plum, Lula and the irrepressible Grandma Mazur are works of art'
'Thrilling with a wicked sense of humour pervading the book'
'There is something for everyone - adventure, action, romance, comedy and sex -
The No. 1 New York Times Bestseller
A thrilling and fast-paced mystery in the much-loved Stephanie Plum series from No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Janet Evanovich. Raves for Evanovich's novels: 'Romantic and gripping' (Good Housekeeping); 'Pithy, witty and fast-paced' (The Sunday Times); 'A laugh-out-loud page-turner' (Heat).
There's nothing like a good deli, and the Red River Deli in Trenton is one of the best. World-famous for its pastrami, coleslaw, and for its disappearing managers. Over the last month, three have vanished from the face of the earth, and the only clue in each case is one shoe that's been left behind. The police are baffled. Lula is convinced that it's a case of alien abduction. Whatever it is, they'd better figure out what's going on before they lose their new manager, Ms. Stephanie Plum.
Celebrate Stephanie Plum's silver anniversary as she faces the toughest puzzle of her career in the twenty-fifth entry in Janet Evanovich's #1 New York Times bestselling series. -
Une Plum sous le sapin ; recherche Valentin désespérément
Janet Evanovich
- 12-21
- Hors collection
- 6 Juin 2013
- 9782823809879
Noël approche et Stéphanie n'a toujours pas de sapin, pas de cadeaux et pas une seule décoration dans son appartement... Mais il y a un homme dans sa cuisine ! Un homme costaud, beau gosse, un peu sauvage venu spécialement pour l'aider... Vive Noël ! Et quelle surprise, le beau Diesel réapparaît quelques mois plus tard avec une nouvelle mission : Stéphanie va devoir servir de conseillère conjugale, elle qui n'a jamais été mariée. Et justement, c'est le moment rêvé pour jouer le jeu...
How far will Stephanie Plum go to protect the one person who means the most to her? The stakes have never been higher than they are in this latest adventure from No. 1 New York Times bestselling author Janet Evanovich.
Grandma Mazur, Stephanie Plum's favourite family member and occasional partner in crime, has decided to get married again - this time to local gangster Jimmy Rosolli. If Stephanie has her doubts about this marriage, she doesn't have to worry for long, because the groom drops dead of a heart attack 45 minutes after saying "I do."
A sad day for Grandma Mazur turns into something far more dangerous when Jimmy's former "business partners" are convinced that his new widow is keeping the keys to a financial windfall all to herself. But the one thing these wise guys didn't count on was the widow's bounty hunter granddaughter, who'll do anything to save her...
Raves for Evanovich's novels:
'Romantic and gripping'
Good Housekeeping
'Pithy, witty and fast-paced'
The Sunday Times
'A laugh-out-loud page-turner'
Readers love Janet Evanovich:
'I've loved all 25 Stephanie Plum adventures. More please, can't wait til the next one'
Amazon reviewer, Look Alive Twenty-Five
'Evanovich's writing is as crisp, witty and readable as ever, and 25 books in, this series shows no sign of slowing down or growing stale.'
Amazon reviewer, Look Alive Twenty-Five -
THE PURSUIT by Janet Evanovich is an action-packed adventure featuring FBI agent Kate O'Hare and her secret partner, fugitive Nicolas Fox. Janet Evanovich's novels are: 'Pithy, witty and fast-paced' (The Sunday Times); 'Non-stop laughs with plenty of high jinks' (USA Today)
Diamonds, castles and rocket-propelled grenade launchers: a typical Nick Fox date.
International conman and expert thief Nick Fox has been kidnapped from right under his FBI handler's nose. Fortunately for him, he's been taken by a gang of thieves who want his expertise. Unfortunately for the thieves, his FBI handler is Kate O'Hare, and there's more than a professional connection between her and Nick.
A diamond vault is the first target, but soon Nick and Kate have both joined the gang and are chasing around the Paris sewers in an attempt to prevent a biological weapon being unleashed. All that stands between them and a global terror event are Kate's formidable weapons skills and Nick's well-honed charms... -
DANGEROUS MINDS is a thrilling, adrenaline-fuelled adventure featuring unlikely sleuths Knight & Moon from Janet Evanovich, author of the New York Times bestseller CURIOUS MINDS, which introduced Knight and Moon, and beloved author of the No. 1 bestsellers in the Stephanie Plum series. A must-read for fans of Sue Grafton and J D Robb.
Buddhist monk Wayan Bagus has lost his island of solitude and wants it back. The Pacific island had a mountain, beaches, a rainforest, and a volcano. And now it's gone. Poof! Vanished without a trace.
Boyishly charming Emerson Knight likes nothing better than solving an unsolvable mystery. Finding a missing island is better than Christmas morning in the Knight household. When clues start leading to a dark and sinister secret, Emerson will need to assemble a crack team for help. Since a crack team isn't available, he enlists his cousin Vernon and Riley Moon. Riley Moon has a Harvard business degree and can shoot the eyes out of a grasshopper at fifty feet, but she can't figure out how to escape Emerson Knight's odd world. Vernon has been Emerson's loyal and enthusiastic partner in crime since childhood.
Together, this mismatched trio will embark on a world-wide investigation that will expose a conspiracy one hundred years in the making. -
A New York Times bestseller
CURIOUS MINDS by No. 1 bestselling author Janet Evanovich and screenwriter Phoef Sutton is a must-read thriller for fans of the Stephanie Plum mysteries including ONE FOR THE MONEY and TRICKY TWENTY-TWO.
They couldn't be less compatible, but they make a great team...
Emerson Knight is introverted, eccentric, and has little-to-no sense of social etiquette. Good thing he's also brilliant, rich and (some people might say) handsome.
Riley Moon has just graduated from Harvard. Her assertive (some people might say aggressive) spitfire attitude has helped land a dream job at Blane-Grunwald bank. At least, Riley Moon thinks it's her dream job until she is given her first assignment: babysitting Emerson Knight.
An inquiry about missing Knight money leads to a missing man, missing gold and a life-and-death race across the country. Through the streets of Washington D.C., and down into the underground vault of the Federal Reserve in New York City, an evil plan is exposed. A plan so sinister that only a megalomaniac could think it up, and only the unlikely duo of the irrepressibly charming Emerson Knight and the tenacious Riley Moon could hope to stop it... -
The Fox and O'Hare Series 3-Book Collection
Janet EVANOVICH, Lee Goldberg
- Review
- 1 Juin 2016
- 9781472241092
Reasons to read Janet Evanovich: 'Hilarious' (Mail on Sunday); 'Hooray for Janet Evanovich, who continues to enliven the literary crime scene' (Sunday Telegraph); 'For sheer uncomplicated fun, Stephanie Plum is hard to beat' (Express on Sunday)
THE FOX AND O'HARE SERIES 3-BOOK COLLECTION brings together the bestselling first three novels in the Fox & O'Hare series by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg, featuring FBI Agent Kate O'Hare and world-class conman Nick Fox.
An impossible pairing. An unstoppable team.
In THE HEIST, just when it seems that international crook Nick Fox has been captured for good, he pulls off his greatest con of all: he convinces the FBI to offer him a job working side by side with Special Agent Kate O'Hare. Problem is, teaming up to stop a corrupt investment banker who's hiding on a private island in Indonesia is going to test O'Hare's patience and Fox's skill. High-speed chases, pirates, and Toblerone bars are all in a day's work... if O'Hare and Fox don't kill each other first.
In THE CHASE, Fox and O'Hare's newest target is Carter Grove, a former White House chief of staff and the ruthless leader of a private security agency. Grove has stolen a rare Chinese artefact from the Smithsonian, a crime that will torpedo U.S. relations with China if it ever becomes public. Nick and Kate must work under the radar - and against the clock - to devise a plan to steal the piece back. A daring heist and a deadly chase leads them from Washington, D.C., to Shanghai, from the highlands of Scotland to the underbelly of Montreal.
In THE JOB, Nick Fox is caught on camera stealing a priceless work of art, taking him right from being the FBI's most covert operative, back to the top of America's most-wanted. Only Kate suspects all is not what it seems. Fox is no common thief, and snatch and grab just isn't his style. Someone is setting him up, and it's down to Kate to figure out why - before Nick Fox, master of disguise, is beaten at his own game. -
Something big is brewing in Trenton, New Jersey, and it could blow at any minute...
Stephanie Plum faces her toughest case yet in Tricky Twenty-Two, the thrilling and witty twenty-second adventure in Janet Evanovich's bestselling Stephanie Plum series. The perfect read for fans of JD Robb and Lee Child.
Raves for Evanovich's bestselling series: 'Stephanie Plum in ass-kicking form... utterly delightful' (Cosmopolitan); 'Evanovich's series of New Jersey comedy thrillers are among the great joys of contemporary fiction' (GQ Magazine); 'Hot and sassy' (The Boston Herald).
Stephanie Plum might not be the world's greatest bounty hunter, but she knows when she's being played. Ken Globovic (aka Gobbles), unofficial student leader, has been arrested for beating up the dean of students at Kiltman College. Gobbles has missed his court date and gone into hiding. People have seen him on campus, but no one will talk. Things just aren't adding up, and Stephanie can't shake the feeling that something funny is going on at the college.
As much as people love Gobbles, they hate Doug Linken. When Linken is gunned down in his backyard, the list of possible murder suspects is long. The only people who care about finding Linken's killer are Trenton cop Joe Morelli, who has been assigned the case, security expert Ranger, who was hired to protect Linken, and Stephanie, who has her eye on a cash prize and hopefully has some tricks up her sleeve...
What readers are saying about Tricky Twenty-Two:
'Great humour mixed with a bit of excitement and tension'
'As per usual a laugh out loud read, plenty of twists and intrigue to keep the pages turning'
'Love these books. The usual suspects involved with their supreme banter -
Janet Evanovich's novels are: 'Pithy, witty and fast-paced' (The Sunday Times); 'Non-stop laughs with plenty of high jinks' (USA Today); 'Razor-sharp' (Sunday Express)
He's on the run. She's an FBI agent. But putting Nick Fox in gaol is the last thing on Kate O'Hare's mind...
Nicolas Fox is a charming con man and master thief. Kate O'Hare is the FBI agent on his trail. At least that's what everyone thinks. In reality, they're secretly working together to bring down super-criminals. Criminals like brutal casino magnate Evan Trace.
Evan Trace is running a money-laundering operation through his casino. Some of his best customers are mobsters, dictators, and global terrorists. Nick and Kate are going deep undercover as high-stakes gamblers, wagering millions of dollars - and their lives - in an attempt to topple Trace's empire.
The scam will take Fox and O'Hare from the Las Vegas strip, to the sun-soaked beaches of Hawaii, and into the dark back alleys of Macau. Their only backup - a self-absorbed actor, a Somali pirate, and an ex-soldier who believes a rocket launcher is the best way to solve every problem.
What could possibly go wrong? -
Reasons to read Janet Evanovich's bestselling novels: 'Hilarious' (Mail on Sunday); 'Hooray for Janet Evanovich, who continues to enliven the literary crime scene' (Sunday Telegraph); 'For sheer uncomplicated fun, Stephanie Plum is hard to beat' (Express on Sunday)
Catching bad guys is what Special Agent Kate O'Hare does. Working side-by-side with them... not so much.
When the FBI teamed her up with master criminal Nick Fox, they gave her no choice.
Now the ex-Navy Seal has a world-class conman as a partner, and keeping track of him is a full-time job.
Especially when Fox is caught on camera stealing a priceless work of art, taking him right from being the FBI's most covert operative, back to the top of America's most-wanted.
Only Kate suspects all is not what it seems. Nick Fox is no common thief, and snatch and grab just isn't his style. Someone is setting him up, and it's down to Kate to figure out why - before Nicolas Fox, master of disguise, is beaten at his own game. -
Treat yourself to a bite-sized thrill from the queen of kick-ass crime. . . A Fox & O'Hare short story.
When rookie FBI agent Kate O'Hare meets career conman Nick Fox there's bound to be a sting in the tale.
Fresh out of Quantico and looking forward to her first FBI assignment, Kate O'Hare is teamed up with high-end security expert, Nick Fox, to help protect a shipment of valuable Peruvian relics. Problem is, nothing is what it seems. Nick Fox is actually a con artist and he's about to play the shell game with special agent O'Hare in a high-speed chase with armoured cars, a few smoke bombs and a little light flirting. It doesn't take long for Nick to discover Kate O'Hare is smart, tenacious, and when she's conned, she holds a grudge.
Life for Fox & O'Hare will never be the same again. -
A cold-blooded killer has Stephanie in his sights...
Where there's smoke, there's fire, and this couldn't be truer than in Smokin' Seventeen, the seventeenth wacky adventure in Janet Evanovich's bestselling Stephanie Plum series. The perfect read for fans of Sue Grafton and JD Robb.
Raves for Janet Evanovich's bestselling novels: 'Razor sharp' (Sunday Express); 'Non-stop laughs with plenty of high jinks' (USA Today); 'Pithy, witty and fast-paced' (The Sunday Times).
Stephanie is running out of time. The bond office where she works has been burned down. Dead bodies have been showing up on the construction site. No one knows why, or who's responsible - but it's clear Stephanie's name is on the killer's list.
And to make a bad situation worse, cop and boyfriend Joe Morelli's grandmother has put the 'eye' on Stephanie. Now she has a pimple the size of Mount Vesuvius and her hormones are in overdrive...
What readers are saying about Smokin' Seventeen:
'A great read - light, funny and very entertaining'
'A real laugh out loud book with a high feel good factor'
'Funny, witty and full of twists and turns -
Small guy. Big trouble.
Death threats, highly trained assassins and highly untrained assassins are all in a day's work for Stephanie Plum in Top Secret Twenty-One. Janet Evanovich's hilarious bestselling series is perfect reading for fans of Sue Grafton and JD Robb.
Praise for Evanovich's bestselling novels: 'A laugh-out-loud page turner' (Heat); 'Sharp dialogue, a little slapstick and a little romance' (The Sunday Times); 'Highly enjoyable... who can resist?' (Chicago Tribune).
Stephanie Plum has just one job lined up - tracking down Jimmy Poletti: car-dealer and all-round scumbag. Problem is he's on the run, and silencing his former colleagues, one bullet at a time. Plum is going to need bait to bring him in. Bait like Poletti's ex-bookkeeper, Randy Briggs: a ninety-two-centimeter-tall magnet for bored housewives and rocket-propelled grenades.
To make things worse, there's a one-eyed Russian assassin who's out to get revenge on Ranger, Stephanie's part-time temptation and full-time protector. Who is the one-eyed Russian and what's his connection to the former Special Forces operative? Afraid that's top secret.
What readers are saying about Top Secret Twenty-One:
'More great fun and frolics from our favourite Evanovich characters'
'Fast, slick, pacy and funny - this has the best banter, the best one-liners and the best men ever! A brilliant read'
'I never tire of these books, they are so light hearted and funny -
Raves for Janet Evanovich's novels: 'Stephanie Plum in ass-kicking form...utterly delightful' (Cosmopolitan); 'A laugh-out-loud page turner' (Heat); 'Plum is not just a smart private eye but a heroine with a sense of humour' (Daily Mail)
Catching the bad guys has never felt so good.
FBI Special Agent Kate O'Hare and semi-retired, expert conman Nick Fox are going after Carter Grove, the head of a mercenary security agency. Problem is, if you're planning on crossing Carter Grove, you'd better also be planning your funeral.
Confronting Grove's elite assassins, Fox and O'Hare mount a daring heist that results in a deadly chase from Washington, D.C., to Shanghai, China. Luckily it'll take more than death threats, trained henchmen and sleepless nights to outsmart the unlikely duo... -
Raves for Janet Evanovich's novels: 'Stephanie Plum in ass-kicking form...utterly delightful' (Cosmopolitan); 'A laugh-out-loud page turner' (Heat); 'Plum is not just a smart private eye but a heroine with a sense of humour' (Daily Mail)
An impossible pairing. An unstoppable team.
Conman and expert thief Nick Fox is responsible for some of the most daring heists of recent years. Now he's responsible for driving FBI Special Agent, Kate O'Hare crazy as they work together to take down some of the world's most untouchable felons.
Nick and Kate's first assignment: to track down one of the most notorious embezzlers in the world - along with the $500 million he stole on his way out of the country. It's going to include hardships like travelling to an island paradise, living on a yacht, and dinner theatre. And if Nick is turning out to look a lot like the man of Kate's dreams... well, that can only be expected when you're having fun parachuting into forbidden territory, setting off explosives and playing the part of a honey trap... -
PROS AND CONS by bestselling authors Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg - an engaging and tantalising short story introducing an FBI agent who's on the hunt, and a master con artist who's enjoying the chase. Not to be missed by readers of THE HEIST, THE SCAM and the Stephanie Plum mysteries.
FBI special agent Kate O'Hare has made it her mission to nail international con artist Nicolas Fox. When she discovers his plot to plunder a venture capitalist's twentieth-story Chicago penthouse of all its cash and treasures while the self-proclaimed 'King of Hostile Takeovers' is getting married, Kate is 85 per cent - okay maybe 92 per cent - sure that she's finally going to bag Nick Fox.
Problem is, first Kate has to convince her boss, building security, and maybe even herself, that wedding planner Merrill Stubing is actually Nicolas Fox. Second, she has to figure out how to corner and capture him without disrupting the event of the year. And third, what's going to happen once O'Hare finally gets her hands on Fox? It's going take a pro to catch a con before the fireworks over Lake Michigan go off. -
Who guards the guardian angel?
New Jersey bounty hunter Stephanie Plum is on the trail of a con-man in Notorious Nineteenth, the nineteenth sizzling adventure in the hilarious Stephanie Plum series by bestselling author Janet Evanovich. The perfect series for fans of Sue Grafton and Harlan Coben.
Praise for Evanovich: 'Evanovich is a clever writer with a strong streak of laugh out loud sardonic humour' (Melbourne Weekly); 'Non-stop laughs with plenty of high jinks' (USA Today); 'As smart and sassy as high gloss wet paint' (Time Out).
Tracking down a multi-million-dollar fraudster who somehow walked out of hospital after major surgery should be easy, right?
But Stephanie's got more pressing work: her unbearably handsome mentor Ranger has been getting death threats from a fellow ex-Special Forces operative. Suddenly, she's meant to be the one looking out for him.
But between her attraction to Ranger and the killer's determination, she'll be lucky if she makes it through the week...
What readers are saying about Notorious Nineteen:
'As usual once I started I couldn't put it down'
'Excellent read - kept me in hysterics'
'Hilarious, understated and well-written