Mark Owens
Un livre passionnant, à la fois récit d'aventures et conte sur la vie sauvage, suite dubestseller Le Cri du Kalahari.
Après la publication du Cri du Kalahari, les zoologistes Delia et Mark Owens retournent en Afrique pour poursuivre leurs recherches. Dans la vallée de la Luangwa, région reculée de la Zambie, ils découvrent un éden sauvage, d’une beauté saisissante, où ils choisissent d’établir leur campement. Dans cet habitat naturel préservé, les hippopotames sillonnent encore les rivières et les éléphants se nourrissent des fruits des arbres. Mais ce tableau idyllique est rapidement mis à mal par les nombreux braconniers qui sévissent dans la région. Les Owens s’engagent alors dans une lutte pour protéger les éléphants. Découvrez l'histoire captivante de leur combat pour sauver la vallée.
Delia et Mark Owens sont nés en 1944 et 1949 aux États-Unis. Jeunes diplômés en biologie et zoologie, ils s'installent en Afrique en 1974, où ils resteront 23 ans. Grâce à cette incroyable expérience au Kalahari puis en Zambie, ils publient trois bestsellers. Véritable phénomène international, Là où chantent les écrevisses, le premier roman de Delia Owens, s’est vendu à plus de 8 millions d’exemplaires dans le monde. Il est disponible chez Points.
Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Patrick Dechesne -
Handbook of School Mental Health
Mark D. Weist, Nancy A. Lever, Catherine P. Bradshaw, Julie Sarno Owens
- Springer
- 15 Août 2013
- 9781461476245
With so few therapeutic outlets readily available to young people, schools have evolved into mental health centers for many students. Yet schools are hampered by limited access to resources needed to provide mental health promotion, prevention, and intervention services.Like its acclaimed predecessor, the Second Edition of the Handbook of School Mental Health offers ways for professionals to maximize resources, make and strengthen valuable connections, and attain more effective school-based services and programming. At the same time, the Handbook provides strategies and recommendations in critical areas, such as workforce development, interdisciplinary collaborations, youth/family engagement, consultation, funding, and policy concerns, summarizes the state of current research, and offers directions for further study. Chapters model best practices for promoting wellness and safety, early detection of emotional and behavioral problems, and school-based interventions for students with anxiety, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and other common challenges. In spotlighting this range of issues, the contributors have created a comprehensive game plan for advancing the field. Among the Handbook's topics:Pre-service training for school mental health clinicians.Cognitive-behavioral interventions for trauma in schools. Increasing parental engagement in school-based interventions.Models of psychiatric consultation to schools.Culturally competent behavioral and emotional screening. Bullying from a school mental health perspective.Prevention and intervention strategies related to a variety of mental health problems in schools. The Second Edition of the Handbook of School Mental Health is an essential reference for researchers, graduate students, and other professionals in child and school psychology, special and general education, public health, school nursing, occupational therapy, psychiatry, social work and counseling, educational policy, and family advocacy.
Handbook of School Mental Health
Mark D. Weist, Catherine P. Bradshaw, Julie Sarno Owens, Steven W. Evans
- Springer
- 28 Février 2023
- 9783031200069
The handbook provides thoughtful and provocative critiques of the science and practice of school mental health. It examines intervention science and implementation science and the study of professional development and stakeholder engagement. The volume outlines the relevant issues facing the field of school mental health and provides a framework for the areas of study. Chapters critique the science in a specific area, draw innovative connections between findings, and present new information about their area of expertise. This handbook provides a concise and critical update of the literature in school mental health and is an essential resource for those from the wide range of disciplines that constitute the science and practice of school mental health.
Key topics featured include:
Promoting meaningful engagement and leadership in school mental health by diverse stakeholders.Training, coaching, and workforce development in school mental health.Intervention science for children with specific needs (e.g., anxiety, depression, trauma, autism).Innovations in scaling-up and Implementation science, focusing on such topics as multitiered systems of support and scaleup of positive behavior support strategies.
The handbook is an essential reference for researchers, graduate students, and other professionals in child and school psychology, special and general education, public health, school nursing, occupational therapy, psychiatry, social work and counseling, educational policy, and family advocacy.