Ce poisson dans votre assiette, d'où vient-il ? A-t-il été pêché par un chalutier high-tech, attrapé par un pêcheur solitaire, élevé avec des tonnes de ses semblables ou même volé par des pirates ? Savez-vous qu'il a peut-être été capturé dans l'Atlantique Sud, débarqué en Europe puis transformé en Chine ? La mondialisation, les relations Nord-Sud mais également l'évolution des comportements et des styles de vie, ainsi que notre manière de gérer les ressources naturelles, sont autant de facteurs qui influent sur les pêcheries. Pour appréhender l'ensemble de ces questions, cet ouvrage s'appuie sur l'expertise de l'OCDE. Il décrit les défis auxquels sont confrontés les acteurs du monde de la pêche et fait appel au point de vue des pêcheurs et de leurs familles, mais aussi à celui des ONG, des spécialistes gouvernementaux, des scientifiques et des experts indépendants. Dans la même collection :
Le capital humain, 2007
Le développement durable, 2008
Le commerce international, 2009
Les migrations internationales, 2009 www.oecd.org/lesessentiels
Vistez le blog : http://oecdinsights.org. -
This report provides an initial evaluation of the comprehensive reform of the Spanish labour market undertaken in 2012. It describes the key components of the 2012 reform and places them in the context of the evolution of labour market institutions in other OECD member countries, with a particular focus on collective bargaining and employment protection legislation. The report also assesses the impact of the reform on the ability of firms to adjust wages and working time to cope with demand shocks, as well as the flows in the labour market for different types of contracts and the overall duality of the Spanish labour market. It also considers what complementary reforms would be required to improve the effectiveness of the labour market reform, in particular in the area of active labour market policies.
Efficient provision of transport infrastructure is critical to economic growth. The long asset lives of much transport infrastructure indicates governance through regulation, rather than through contract or public ownership. This can ensure predictability in long-term relationships whilst preserving some flexibility to deal with changes in external circumstances.
The transparency created by a fully independent regulator is invaluable for ensuring sufficient investment is forthcoming, while maintaining reasonable conditions for user access. Discussion at the Roundtable focussed on how to achieve effective independent regulation and how to reconcile independence with the legitimate control of policy by the executive part of government. Independent regulation is not seen as a universal default governance arrangement. Much of the discussion focused on when to regulate and when to rely on competition, even if imperfect, to drive efficiency. The discussions underscored that there are opportunities to improve performance significantly in the aviation, rail and road sectors, by learning from successful experience in improving governance structures in a range of countries. -
The IRTAD Road Safety Annual Report 2016 provides an overview for road safety performance for 2014 in 40 countries, with preliminary data for 2015, and detailed reports for each country. It includes tables with cross country comparisons on key safety indicators.
The report outlines the most recent safety data in IRTAD countries, including detailed analysis by road user, age group and type of road. It describes the crash data collection process in IRTAD countries, the road safety strategies and targets in place and information on recent trends in speeding, drink-driving and other aspects of road user behaviour.
Chapter 1. Road safety performance in 2014 and 2015
Chapter 2. Argentina
Chapter 3. Australia
Chapter 4. Austria
Chapter 5. Belgium
Chapter 6. Cambodia
Chapter 7. Canada
Chapter 8. Chile
Chapter 9. Czech Republic
Chapter 10. Denmark
Chapter 11. Finland
Chapter 12. France
Chapter 13. Germany
Chapter 14. Greece
Chapter 15. Hungary
Chapter 16. Iceland
Chapter 17. Ireland
Chapter 18. Israel
Chapter 19. Italy
Chapter 20. Jamaica
Chapter 21. Japan
Chapter 22. Korea
Chapter 23. Lithuania
Chapter 24. Luxembourg
Chapter 25. Malaysia
Chapter 26. Morocco
Chapter 27. Mexico
Chapter 28. Netherlands
Chapter 29. New Zealand
Chapter 30. Nigeria
Chapter 31. Norway
Chapter 32. Poland
Chapter 33. Portugal
Chapter 34. Serbia
Chapter 35. Slovenia
Chapter 36. South Africa
Chapter 37. Spain
Chapter 38. Sweden
Chapter 39. Switzerland
Chapter 40. United Kingdom
Chapter 41. United States -
The Cost of Air Pollution ; Health impacts of road transport
- 31 Juillet 2014
- 9789264218338
Outdoor air pollution kills more than 3 million people across the world every year, and causes health problems from asthma to heart disease for many more. This is costing societies very large amounts in terms of the value of lives lost and ill health. Based on extensive new epidemiological evidence since the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study, and OECD estimates of the Value of Statistical Life, this report provides evidence on the health impacts from air pollution and the related economic costs.
Moving freight with better trucks - research report (anglais)
- 2 Mai 2011
- 9789282102961
This report identifies potential improvements in terms of more effective safety and environmental regulation for trucks, backed by better systems of enforcement, and identifies opportunities for greater efficiency and higher productivity.
The report is based on a review of literature, consultation among stakeholders, and research and analysis from working group members. It also presents the results of a comprehensive benchmarking study of 39 truck configurations in operation around the world - from typical workhorse vehicles to very high capacity vehicles - and assesses their performance in terms of dynamic stability, productivity and impact on the infrastructure. -
Cette publication retrace à partir de statistiques couvrant la période 1970-2007 l'activité du secteur des transports au sein des pays du Forum International des Transports et s'efforce, à l'aide de graphiques, de mettre en évidence les tendances majeures sur cette même période. Cette brochure offre au lecteur la primeur des tendances d'évolution des transports dans la mesure où sa parution précède celle de tout autre ouvrage comparable en la matière. De plus, des informations statistiques sont données sur les modes de transports aérien et maritime ainsi que sur les dépenses d'investissement et de maintenance réalisées au sein du secteur des transports.
Concurrence entre les ports et les liaisons terrestres avec l'arriere-pays - table ronde 143
- 11 Mars 2009
- 9789282102299
Cette publication de la série Tables Rondes examine les défis stratégiques et réglementaires que pose l'évolution rapide de l'environnement portuaire. L'innovation technologique et organisationnelle, ainsi qu'une très forte expansion des échanges, ont en effet radicalement transformé le secteur portuaire au cours des dernières décennies. Bien que les ports desservent aujourd'hui des arrière-pays qui s'étendent profondément à l'intérieur des continents, la concurrence interportuaire ne cesse de s'intensifier, affaiblissant le pouvoir de négociation des ports dans la chaîne logistique. L'accroissement du débit portuaire se heurte à une résistance de plus en plus forte des collectivités locales en raison de la pollution et de la congestion qu'il entraîne. La réglementation locale est justifiée, mais sa mise en oeuvre est compliquée par la répartition du pouvoir de négociation entre les parties prenantes. Des autorités d'un niveau plus élevé seraient en mesure de formuler des politiques plus efficaces.
Déficience cognitive, santé mentale et transports ; vers une accessibilité pour tous
- 26 Janvier 2009
- 9789282102213
Pour la partie de plus en plus nombreuse de la population qui est atteinte de déficiences cognitives ou d'un problème de santé mentale, l'utilisation des transports publics peut être vécue comme un défi. La publication analyse ce domaine négligé en proposant des solutions allant de la formation des personnels de services à l'utilisation d'une meilleure signalétique, à des changements dans la présentation des horaires ainsi qu'à une présence accrue de personnel pour aider les voyageurs à prendre confiance.
Chile is one of the major players in the world fishing scene. But during the past fifty years, Chile has had to face issues of over-investment, sharp declines in catch levels, disputes among stakeholders, fleet downsizing, and aquaculture diseases, among others. This report describes the challenging and complex learning process that the Chilean fisheries and aquaculture sector has undergone and the evolution of its policies and management systems. Governance of the industrial, artisanal and aquaculture industries has followed different paths of policy development and current management reflects the particular pressures confronting each segment of the sector. And policy evolution continues, with a range of initiatives underway to meet the current challenges. The Chilean state has been one of the main forces behind these developments, laying the foundation for a strong and robust fisheries and aquaculture sector.
Transcontinental Infrastructure Needs to 2030/50 explores the long-term opportunities and challenges facing major gateway and transport hub infrastructures -- ports, airports and major rail corridors - in the coming decades. The report uses projections and scenarios to assess the broader economic outlook and future infrastructure requirements, and examines the options for financing these, not least against the backdrop of the economic recession and financial crisis which have significantly modified the risks and potential rewards associated with major infrastructure projects. Building on numerous in-depth case studies from Europe, North America and Asia, the report offers insights into the economic prospects for these key facilities and identifies policy options for improved gateway and corridor infrastructure in the future.
The experience of new teachers ; results from Talis 2008
- 29 Février 2012
- 9789264120952
This publication provides a comprehensive analysis of the most important issues facing teachers during the early stages of their careers. The effectiveness of teachers fresh to the profession is an important policy issue, especially knowing the impact that teachers have on student learning.
The OECD's Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) is the first and only international survey on the conditions of teaching and learning. This report uses the TALIS 2008 dataset to analyse key aspects of new teachers' work and highlight policy implications. -
Norway 2014 oecd reviews of health care quality-raising standards
- 21 Mai 2014
- 9789264208469
This book presents a comprehensive review of health care quality in Norway. It finds that Norway has an impressive and comprehensive health system, which is the result of sustained commitment to providing health care for the whole Norwegian population, investment in the health system, and readiness to make changes to drive improvements. On most indicators Norway's health system appears to be performing well, although there is some room for improvement. There have been a number of significant health care reforms in Norway over the last decade, most recently the Coordination Reform, which took effect in January 2012.
Broadly this is a positive story, but challenges do lie ahead for Norway. Norway is putting in place measures to respond to these challenges, notably with the 2012 Coordination Reform, but still has some way to go before the fruits of such labour are truly felt across the health system. Norway's ambitious reform agenda must now be balanced by structured efforts `on the ground'. Attention should now turn to putting in place appropriate data infrastructures, promoting meaningful engagement between key stakeholders, and by balancing a generous health budget that allows for important investments in developing new structures and services with attention to getting the most out of existing services. -
Expanding airport capacity in large metropolitan areas is difficult. Community agreements on noise constrain growth at existing airports. Land prices can be prohibitive for relocating airports. Most new sites require extensive investment in surface transport links to city centres. In multi-airport regions, options for expansion at the airports are to an extent interdependent, complicating assessment of whether to build new runways.
Many major airports are hubs for network carriers at the same time as serving a large local market. The complementarity between these functions may be a prerequisite for viable network operations, suggesting that distributing services over multiple airports instead of expanding the main hub would be costly. Hub airports and their network carriers often compete with hubs in neighbouring regions. The strategies of network carriers and potential new entrants to this part of the market need to be taken into account in assessing future demand for airport capacity. The requirements of low cost and other point-to-point carriers are equally important, but different.
This report reviews international experience in reconciling planning and environmental constraints with demand for airport capacity and the potential benefits in terms of productivity and growth from developing international airline services. Experience is compared in London, New York, Tokyo, Osaka, Sydney and in Germany's main airports with particular attention to the dynamics of airline markets and implications for airport planning in multi-airport cities.